Thursday, June 21, 2012

Like Everything Else in Life...You Better Follow Directions!

Being a mystery shopper is a fun and great way for people to earn some extra cash. Mystery shopping does have it's perks. Shoppers are asked to try a delicious meal at a restaurant on the company's tab or browse a luxurious store and try on one of a kind pieces. Shoppers are asked to test drive a brand new car at the local dealership. Sometimes shoppers land an assignment that takes them on a great getaway such as a beautiful cruise trip or a few nights stay at a five star hotel! As stated by some of our own shoppers, mystery shopping can open the door to new experiences. Mystery shopping does have its perks however, it still is a job.

You don't necessarily need a college degree to become a mystery shopper, but there are certain skills companies look for in a person when assigning a shop. Shoppers must be able to follow directions. The key to performing a great mystery shop is by having a full understanding of the instructions and what the shop entails. When shoppers are asked to order a meal at a restaurant, they aren't just letting the company know how it tasted. Companies want to know the specifics. How long did it take you to be greeted when you entered the restaurant? How long was your wait to be seated? How long was your wait to be served? Did your server make any suggestions or share the specials for the evening? Was the server knowledgable? There are plenty of things that shoppers need to be aware of while dining out on the company's tab.

Shopper Barb from Ohio advises new shoppers to "View/read ALL the tutorial," before performing a mystery shop. She is absolutely correct! If you want to get paid for your time and effort, you need to be sure your are performing the shop correctly. The "tutorial" Barb is referrnig to is the instructions that the clients are asking shoppers to follow while performing a shop in their business. Here at DSG, we prefer to actually speak with the shoppers on the phone, especially when it is their first time shopping a particular shop. Our DSG Representatives walk the shopper through the guidelines and are there to answer any questions the shopper may have to better prepare them to complete a valid shop. We are always happy to help!

So remember, mystery shopping is definitely a fun way to experience new food, shops, trips, etc. BUT it still is a job. These are companies that are relying on YOU to report back what went on in their establishment and it is crucial that shoppers follow the necessary steps to complete a valid shop.

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